Active Roster
In February 2018, Secretary Kevin Sanita, 875, and Venerable Dean Jake Miner, 870, created an Acacia Family Tree showing big brothers of current active members as far back as they could be traced. If a number is highlighted yellow, then their downline has an active. Red (or Red Border) are those who, according to either ours, or International's records, are debrothered. The Low rolls listed are as far back as we can trace. 118 and 126 were both part of the Spring Pledge Class of 1955. Credit is due to Jim Benscoter (Roll 558) who gave them a near complete list of big brothers between rolls 200 and 700, Sean Lewis (Roll 861) and the other brothers who compiled information on the recent lines a year or two ago, and all of the alumni who commented on the Google Doc or Facebook posts to fill in many gaps and incorrect items. This tree is not perfect and likely not complete, but they plan to try to build as many of the dead trees as possible, and this is an amazing start.